Sunday, December 17, 2006

Fun and Excitement!

Tomorrow morning I'm going home to Puerto Rico for 3 weeks. I'll try to get internet service there so I can keep posting and visiting all my favorite forums. If you don't see me around... I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Take care everybody!

Best Wishes!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

To whom it may concern,


Monday, December 04, 2006

If I had a life...

I can't wait to be done with all these stuff. I need to have a life again.

If your life were a soundtrack, what would the music be?

Here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, winamp, media player, iPod)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. New question-- press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool

Opening Credits:
"Opium" Marcy Playground

Waking Up:
"I Get Around" The Beach Boys

First Day at School:
"Magics in the Makeup" No Doubt

Falling in Love:
"Eyesight to the Blind" Aerosmith

Breaking Up:
"Lejos" ("Far") Icaro Azul

"Sammy Davis City" Brian Setzer Orchestra

Life's Okay:
"Superman" Ra

Mental Breakdown:
"Devour" Disturbed

"What Am I to You" Norah Jones

"Boot Camp" Soundgarden

Getting Back Together:
"Mil Canciones" ("A Thousand Songs") Fiel a la Vega

"Can't Buy Me Love" The Beatles

Birth of Child:
"Hole in my Soul" Aerosmith

Final Battle:
"Politik" Coldplay

Death Scene:
"Olvidarte" ("To Forget You") Ricardo Arjona

Funeral Song:
"Get A Grip" Aerosmith

End Credits:
"Are We the Waiting" Green Day


I had some things that I wanted to write about but couldn't find a moment to do it. So here it is... a couple weeks reviewed in a couple sentences.

1. Nov. 18, '06 - Went to the theater to watch Rent (the musical). It was fabulous. Totally loved it. It is one of those stories that captivate you in a way that I can't describe. I saw the movie first and fell in love with the story and the music. When you go to the theater it felt so real it was scary (but scary good). I've learned so much from it. Thank you Mr. Jonathan Larson for giving us such an inspirational musical. The hubster has the complete soundtrack stuck in his head... go see it!

2. Nov. 22-26, '06 - Went to NYC. We always have a blast there. We had a lovely Thanksgiving Day and weekend. We were able to have some down time with family and that's always good.
2A. Nov. 24, '06 - Arjona's concert was AMAZING! And getting together with friends completed a great weekend. Love ya, guys!

3. Nov. 27, '06 - Handed in my thesis! Started working on my presentation.

4. Nov. 30, '06 - Practice my talk for my thesis defense in front of my lab mates. That went OK.

Those were the highlights of the past 2 weeks. Coming soon...
1. Dec. 12, '06 - Thesis Defense Day. (Send good vibes my way, pretty please!)

2. Dec. 18, '06 - I'm going home to spend the Holidays with my family!!! The hubster will join me a week later. I can't wait.