Friday, September 14, 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

He's gone! =(

How sad! My friend Dave came over to visit and now he's on his way back home. I didn't want him to leave us so soon. He came last Saturday. I'm so glad he was our home's first visitor! We had a great relaxing time. Of course, Yei and Seb also spent some time with us. The hubster too! There was some hanging out of this kind (with dancing and everything)...

and of this kind...

We went to the mini golf and the zoo and pretended to do something other than eat, drink, sleep, and talk (not necessarily that order). Although we had a dashing (that is the hubster's influence... full force) time, we missed the other members of the gang that couldn't come. I know we'll get together soon and have a proper house drinking party.