Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Where was I?

I've been writing... trying to write a thesis. Ohh Goodnes Gracious! To me it is so difficult... I don't think I'm good at technical writing at all. I'm not done yet... and that makes me sad. I want to be done with it. This is only for a Masters Degree... I don't want to even think about what would it be a Ph.D. one like. Something inside me says that I will pass, but who really knows. I also have to put together a presentation, but I'm much more comfortable with that. Not the speaking part... but the putting the presentation together part. We'll see what comes out of this.

In the crafty front - Not much, as expected... see above for reason! I'm only working on a special doily for my mom and that's it. I work on it a couple stitches at a time... so hopefully I'll be able to finish it before going home.

Ta ta for now...


Unknown said...

*hugs* Deep Breaths!
It'll work out, you'll finish and do wonderfully in fact so wonderfully you will reread this post and laugh at how worried you were.

Anonymous said...

You'll do a great job!
I can proof read if you want!
*hugs* See you next week!!!!