Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This and that

Helloooooo Spartans!!! I loved the movie... the film was beautiful and the 300 spartans too. It was very entertaining (the hubster agrees). After a long day at work, there's nothing better than a great movie at the IMAX with the hubster and good friends.

By the way, work is going great. I'm feeling very good about it. This past month has been a lot of fun. It might be a transition job but I'm trying to learn as much as possible and getting the most out of it. Ohh... I guess I should mention I'm working for Target. This is my first real job, my first retail job... and I'm glad I'm working for them. I wasn't sure if I was going to get used to being around so much people but I'm enjoying it.

I finished the third book in the Artemis Fowl Series: The Eternity Code. It was so clever!!! The first book is clever and innovative, new fantasy I would say. The third book is even more so than the first. The second book was just a "bridge" between the first and third, the story was somewhat slower too. Of course, I already started book 4: The Opal Deception. This is a great series for everybody, lots of fun.

Today was our first meeting with our realtor!!! Yep, we're planning to buy a house. This phase of my life is so new that I can't really explain how I feel. I'm just grateful that I have the hubster, that we're on the same page, and are looking forward to similar things. I can't wait to start this process!

Tomorrow WIP Wednesday where I show all my work-in-progress!

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