Thursday, October 26, 2006

Brea Bag

Wendy - You asked and here it is! I still need to get a handle.

I think I mentioned it before... I used Araucania wool that I got from my LYS on sale. I'm very happy with the outcome. You can barely see the cables on the picture... but they are lovely in person. I had a lot of fun making this bag! I made it as part of a KAL on Fiber Freaks.

The Sampler

In approx. half hour the second opportunity to get the sampler will come (it's 6:30PM). The sampler is just a package of samples from indie companies. Go to their website to get more info. From what I've seen it looks like fun and I love surprises. Go check it out (if not this time maybe soon you can get one)! I will post about it when I receive mine.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Rolling with the Homies

This was a relaxing weekend. On Saturday, we took our time and caught up with laundry and cleaned the apartment. Yesterday, I didn't do much either. It was nice to be able to just roam around the house and not have to think.

But today is Monday and, here I am, back to thinking.

Last night, I started the Rising Sun Doily. That's going to be part of my mom's Christmas present. I wanted to make the Ripe Wheat Doily but didn't have enough thread in my stash for it. Which brings me to my next point... I need a bigger stash. Last post I said I was going to finish Brea bag and start a pair of socks. Well... I lied... but it wasn't on purpose. I want to finish Brea bag (just wasn't in the mood for seaming it) and I, also, want to begin a sock (just don't have the Socks that Rock yarn that I want or any at all, for that matter (I'm dying to try that yarn! I've heard so much about it.)). I need a bigger stash. My "collection" of yarn is not that big. So when I have a project idea, most probable, I don't have the yarn necessary for it. Anyway, I'll have to live with it... always looking into eBay (check this site out... I read about it on Needle Exchange) for great deals!

Have a great day!

  1. Stuff :: Unknown
  2. Block :: Ice
  3. Ingredient :: Cooking
  4. Flagrant :: What?
  5. Dandruff :: Icky
  6. Betty :: Too many
  7. Tide :: Home
  8. Judges :: What did you do?
  9. Take it easy :: Chill!
  10. Chef :: Another reality TV show

Friday, October 20, 2006

I don't want to brag...

...but the hubster came home the other day with 2 skeins of yarn for me. And no, I didn't ask him to, it was a surprise. I don't know what I did to deserve him... but I'm sure I'm keeping him! He's the best!

Today I understood why it's so important to know how to drive. I take the bus to go to work (when my friend Y can't take me)... this is not a problem. The thing is it was raining cats and dogs and kittens and puppies. And to top it off, it was cold. If I knew how to drive, most probable I had a car and didn't have to wait for the bus. At least I'm on the right track... I've been practicing a lot with the hubster. Soon, I'll be ready to take the test. I'm scared!

The Brea bag is coming along. I'm working on the gusset now and it's taking forever. I knit and knit and nothing happens... I still have a few more inches to go. Pics coming soon!

When I'm done with the bag I'll retake the Sleeveless Leaf Top from KnitSimple. I'm almost done with the back, by the way.

I got the IK Holiday Gifts... and there are a few things I want to make from it. Specially, these...

Some of them it's just me and my wishful thinking... evidence A: the afghan... 19 skeins of Karabella Aurora Bulky. I just can't afford it at $8.50 the skein (approx. $162... yikes!), but it's gorgeous. Evidence B: Twilight Lace Wrap... the white number. I don't think I'm ready for lace, yet. The rest, I think I can make in this lifetime... we'll see. I love those pears...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

And the winner is...

JEFFREY! Congrats man! You had me on the edge of my seat for a week.

Going over last weekend stuff

I know it's Thursday... but I want to tell you about the nice weekend I had.

First, on Saturday we went to the theater. I love going to the theater and we decided for the second time to buy season tickets for the Rochester Broadway Theater League (RBTL). They bring 5 Broadway shows to Rochester every season. We went last season and it was fantastic! We got to see My Fair Lady, Peter Pan, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat, Dame Edna, and Lion King. Fabulous shows! Sooo, the first show of this season was Beauty and the Beast. I've seen the movie many times... but when I saw the musical, I realized that story and songs are so beautiful and touching. We had a great time.

Then, on Sunday we went apple picking for the first time! It was so much fun... once you start you can't stop (although it was cold), you pick more that you'll ever need or want to eat. And then, there were raspberries... red and yellow. Yum!!! After picking so many apples... of course, I had to bake an apple-yellow raspberry pie for the first time, too! Let me tell you, it was good! I kind of made it up as I went... didn't follow a recipe for it. The hubster was a happy camper.

And that was it... we had FUN!

Fast forward to next weekend - Maybe... maybe... I'll go to Rhinebeck. I have to talk to the hubster. It's a 4 hour trip (each way)from here. We wanted to get a hotel room there but it was quite difficult, everything was booked. We'll see if we can make it.

48 things you could care less about

1. first name? Eliany
2. were you named after anyone? Yes, my mom (Ana, nickname Annie) and one of her sisters (Elizabeth, nickname Ely). My mom just combine them together.
3. when did you last cry? I'm not sure. I've felt like crying but I haven't done it lately.
4. do you like your handwriting? Yes, I do.
5. what is your favorite lunchmeat? Pastrami.
6. if you were another person would you be friends with you? Yeah! I like me!
7. do you have a journal? I have this blog.
8. do you still have your tonsils? Yes, I do... although I almost got them out because of 2 infections.
9. would you bungee jump? If I do it with the hubster, I would.
10. what is your favorite cereal? Frosted Mini Wheats
11. do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Sometimes.
12. do you think you are strong? Yes
13. what is your favorite ice cream flavor? Ben & Jerry's Half Baked
14. shoe size? 8 1/2 - 9 (depends)
5. red or pink? Both.
16. what is the least favorite thing about yourself? I'm overweight.
17. who do you miss the most? All my family.
18. do you want everyone to send this back to you? Not really, I'll see it anyway on their blogs.
19. what color pants, shirt and shoes are you wearing? no pants (come on, I'm home by myself!), aqua shirt, no shoes
20. last thing you ate? Onion rice & steak.
21. what are you listening to right now? TV.
22. if you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow.
23. favorite smell? Bake goods.
24. who was the last person you talked to on the phone? The hubster.
25. the first thing you notice about people you are attracted to? The eyes.
26. do you like the person you stole this from? Yes... if I read her blog, it's because I like her.
27. favorite drink? Coke Zero.
28. favorite sport? I like volleyball.
29. eye color? Brown.
30. hat size? I have a big head.
31. do you wear contacts? No... I have sensitive eyes.
32. favorite food? All kinds of food.
33. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings.
35. summer or winter? Summer... I live in Rochester, NY. Do you know what goes on here during winter?
36. hugs or kisses? Hugs & kisses.
37. favorite dessert? Fruit tarts from my favorite dessert place.
38. who is most likely to respond? Maybe somebody that reads my blog.
39. least likely to respond? Maybe somebody that reads my blog.
40. what books are you reading? The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
41. what's on your mouse pad? Don't have one anymore.
42. what did you watch last night on tv? Project Runway Finale.
43. favorite sounds? The hubster voice, babies babbling and giggling.
44. the rolling stones or beatles? Hmmm... don't know.
45. the furthest you've been from home? Venice, Italy.
46. what's your special talent? I can taught myself how to do stuff from books.
47. where were you born? Puerto Rico
48. who sent this to you? Got it from somebody's blog... sorry I don't recall who.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fabulous Tutorial

I saw this and had to share it here. This is a tutorial from Annie Modesitt showing how she makes her sketches. I think it's brilliant. I read her designer profile published on IK (Fall 2006) and was wondering how she did it... now it's available from the source. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Growing Up

I got my learner's permit... it might sound like no big deal. But this is coming from a girl that already had a learner's permit and let it expire. I was a little terrified of driving and other cars. I'm proud to say that I still get nervous but I'm learning to drive (and I think I'm really good). Hopefully, I'll be able to get my driver's license before the crazy winter from Upstate NY arrives, although I'm not pushing it.

I haven't mentioned this but I've been buying books (how-to books, that is) like crazy. As you already know, the hubster (a.k.a. my own personal spoiler) got me a sewing machine and I want to put it to good use (because I'm a Project Runway wannabe and I'm proud of it). So, I went to B&N and got these with my b-day money (I feel like I'm a teenager!!!):
  1. - I love this book. It's easy to understand and have everything you need, and then some, to get you started.
  2. - This one is fun... with lots of tips and tricks. It comes with patterns for a shirt, skirt, and pants. Also, gives you ideas on how to modify those pieces and make them your own.
  3. - I couldn't resist this one. It's full of great projects for all around the house and people. Also showcases beautiful vintage fabrics. Amy Butler is good.
I know I'll have more to say about them as I try the projects...

The other night, I watched The Birdcage (for the first time... mind you. Where was I all this time? Maybe living under a rock.) with the hubster. It was hillarious! Totally, loved it. It's not just about a gay couple... it's like RENT. Yes, they want to expose gay couples... but they also want us to understand that they love the same way straight people do and and have the same household problems, if not even more. It's just about people loving people and, ironically, the conflicts that may bring.

I'll end this post now... it was kind of random.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Birthday Surprise

Last Saturday was my 24th Birthday. I knew the hubster was taking me somewhere but I didn't know where, for what, or any other details. The day came and what a surprise! He took me to Winderwood Farm (**the link is for their eBay store) and... and... and... bought me a wheel!


She's a Kromski Mazurca. I saw her and instantaneously fell in love. She came with 3 bobbins, a beautiful arched lazy kate, and a pound of white wool. Needless to say, I'm ecstatic. He knows how to spoil me.

After getting the wheel, we stopped by Widmer Winery and did some wine tasting and wine buying. It was my first time going to a winery and had a blast.

Also, I had dinner with the hubster, and my friends, Y and S. It was a great day!!!

In the knitting front...
I'll be participating on the Fiber Freaks KAL and will make the gorgeous Brea Bag. I'll use Araucania Nature Wool - Color 46. It's a beautiful blue color. Hopefully, I'll start it tomorrow... after I try my new wheel that is.