Monday, August 27, 2007

Jane Rocks!!!

I just finished reading Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. It sent me on an emotional roller coaster. I went from curious to anxious to surprise to angry to sad to incredulous to disappointed to more disappointed to completely heart broken to redemption to optimism. It was great. Who knew that an old novel would get my attention and my senses to such an extreme. Well... it is called Sense and Sensibility because of something, right? Jane Austen has a new groupie.

Next stop... finishing The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I didn't know it was going to be such an existentialist book... so it has taken me longer than expected. I'm just not into that theme right now.

I also started The Witching Hour by Anne Rice a while back. That one I'll have to start over. Too many details... but still really good. I already read all the Vampire Chronicles books that came before The Witching Hour. After The Vampire Armand, there are some links to the Mayfair Witches series introduced and I wanted to read about it before following the Vampire Chronicles series.

After The Road... I have to do it... Pride and Prejudice is calling my name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read all Jane Austen, it is such a wonderful world. I've read all except Mansfield Park. There are more fantastic 19th Century British authors. If you liked Sense and Sensibility, you should read Elizabeth Gaskell's "North and South". Oh, and I don't know if I ever told you that I read "The Time Traveler's Wife" and I LOVED IT.

Ok, back to work. Love ya!